Send your HTTP requests to: with the appropriate parameters.
Responses from the server are indicated with "=>".
Anything in brackets [...] must be replaced by the appropriate string.
$$Title1Font$$A - STANDARD HAPI REQUESTS$$EndTitle1Font$$
IMPORTANT: this API must be queried at a rate that respects the following rules:
- no more than 3 queries per second
- no more than 30 queries per minute
Non respect of these rules will cause your access to the API to be blocked for one hour.
First of all, here is an example of a standard HTTP request to the HAPI:
$$Title2Font$$0) (optional) You can retrieve the list of all current games and their characteristics with the following request:$$EndTitle2Font$$
In the response, the "state=" parameter means:
-1: not running, closed
0: running, closed
1: running, open
2: not running yet, but open to registration
$$Title2Font$$1) For any other request, you need first to authenticate yourself using the external authentication key (provided on request in your Preferences page) and the request below:$$EndTitle2Font$$
?game=[gamename]&player=[login name]&hapikey=[ext.auth.key]
=> gameid=[gameid]&playerid=[playerid]&playername=[player name]&authkey=[authkey]
where [gamename] is for instance $$CurrentPermGame$$ (which is the name of the current permanent game).
The HAPI authentication will not change your current authkey if you are already logged on Hyperiums the standard way: it will use the current authkey, which is used by the browser via a cookie. But any time you log in the standard way, a new authkey is generated.
$$Title2Font$$2) Any subsequent request must include the authentication ids returned by the previous request:$$EndTitle2Font$$
?gameid=[gameid]&playerid=[playerid]&authkey=[authkey]&[THE REQUEST]
where [THE REQUEST] respects one of the following syntaxes:
- request=getplanetinfo&planet={[planetname]|*}&data={trading|infiltr|general}
=> data=trading => infos on trading relations of controlled planet(s)
=> data=infiltr => infos on infiltrations from controlled planet(s)
=> data=general => general infos on any planet (including non-controlled ones)
Specify [planetname] to get infos on one planet, or * to get infos on all controlled planets.
- request=getfleetsinfo&planet={[planetname]|*}&data={own_planets|foreign_planets}
=> data=own_planets => infos on all fleets & armies located on/around controlled planets
=> data=foreign_planets => infos on all fleets & armies located on/around foreign planets
Specify [planetname] to get infos on one planet, or * to get infos on all controlled/foreign planets.
- request=getmovingfleets
=> infos on moving fleets
- request=getexploitations
=> infos on all exploitations owned, either on controlled planets or on foreign planets
- request=getallianceplanets&tag=[alliance tag]&start=[start index]
where [alliance tag] is the alliance tag without brackets (ie: ARF, not [ARF]); [start index] is the index to start in the list.
=> returns a list of N planets belonging to the given alliance (you must have at least one planet in the alliance), starting at the given index; N is currently set to 50 but may change in the future.
- request=ismsg
=> ismsg=[0/1]&isreport=[0/1]
ismsg == any kind of message
- request=ismsginfo
=> ismsg=[0/1]&isplanet=[0/1]&isreport=[0/1]&ismilit=[0/1]&istrading=[0/1]&isinfiltr=[0/1]&iscontrol=[0/1]
ismsg == planet/player message(s) to planet/player
isplanet == non personal planet message(s) not belonging to a specific function
- request=getnewmsg
=> nbmsg=[nb.messages]&date1=[msg date]&type1=[MSGTYPE]&msg1=[message]&date2=...&planet1=[planet name]&planetstart1=3&date3=...&planet2=...&planetstart2=5&date5=...
where MSGTYPE is:
0: personal message
1: military
2: trading
4: infiltration
8: planet control
16: other kind of planet message
- request=getoldpersomsg&startmsg=[retrieve msg start]&maxmsg=[max nb msg to retrieve]
=> nbmsg=[nb messages]&date1=[msg date]&msg1=[message]&date2=...
- request=getoldplanetmsg&planet={[planet name]|*}&startmsg=[retrieve msg start]&maxmsg=[max nb msg to retrieve]
=> nbmsg=[nb messages]&date1=[msg date]&type1=[MSGTYPE]&msg1=[message]&date2=...
- request=version
=> version=[HAPI_VERSION]
- request=logout
=> status=ok
- request=getplayerinfo&targetplayer=[player name]
=> returns some infos about the given player, including cash and rankings
- request=getplayerinfo
=> returns some infos about the current player
*NOTE*: For any request, you can add the optional parameter: &failsafe=[a number like 123456] (where the number changes for each request)
If the answer does not contain &failsafe=[the same number], it means that it comes from a cache (proxy, ...), not from the server, and that the data may not be up-to-date.
$$Title1Font$$B - FILE DOWNLOAD REQUESTS$$EndTitle1Font$$
These requests always include an authentication by password, as follows:
=> returns the daily generated gzipped list of players/planets/events/alliances, depending on the filetype parameter.
These lists are generated *once* a day only, around 07:05AM, server time.
IMPORTANT: Only one download per day per player account is allowed.
$$Title1Font$$C - MISC INFORMATIONS$$EndTitle1Font$$
$$Title2Font$$How to compute the income generated by an exportation:$$EndTitle2Font$$
Daily income = [nb exported units] * ([selling price] - [production cost] - [transport cost])
where [selling price] is naturally the importation price of the planet your are exporting to.
Naturally, if your planet is captive and taxed: Daily income *= (100 - [captive tax])/100
$$Title2Font$$How to compute the income generated by an importation:$$EndTitle2Font$$
Daily income = [nb imported units] * [importation price] * [tax ratio]
where [tax ratio] is computed as follows:
[tax ratio] = [importation tax rate] / (100 - [importation tax rate])
where [importation tax rate] is the tax rate you have set for your planet.
Naturally, if your planet is captive and taxed: Daily income *= (100 - [captive tax])/100
$$Title2Font$$Special characters:$$EndTitle2Font$$
Normal characters are abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.@_-/
Special characters in the request must be encoded with their corresponding hexadecimal code.
For instance:
ยง must be replaced by %A7
+ must be replaced by %2B
You can easily find conversion tables on internet.
$$Title2Font$$Still to be done:$$EndTitle2Font$$
request=getspyreport?planet=[planet name]
request=getbattleinfo?planet=[planet name] (for battles on foreign planets)